[BEXIS2-Dev] BEXIS 2.12.2 is released

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Di Apr 9 09:39:04 CEST 2019

Dear community,

a new version has been released.
BEXIS 2.12.2 is waiting for you.

It is again minor release after fixing some issues in BEXIS 2.12.1.
If you are using BEXIS 2.12.1, we recommend upgrading the working system 
to BEXIS 2.12.2.

*In this patch the following tasks have been done:*

  * Download right is removed from the system.[Issue #217]
  * Filter the error message forwarded to the system email and extend
    the Web.config with an entry that Sends error message to the system
    email or not. [Issue #225] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/225>
  * Extension of the tenants by the page Terms & Conditions. [Issue
    #206] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/206>
  * Automatic entry of system data in the metadata that can´t be changed
    by the user. [Issue #192] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/192>
  * Update to bootstrap 3.4.1

*Bug fixes:*

  * Metadata form [Issue #229] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/229>,
  * Seed data [Issue #227] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/227>,
  * User edit form [Issue #114]
    <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/114> ,
  * Menu [Issue #142] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/142>,
  * Documents view [Issue #103] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/103>,
  * Upload empty values in the primary data. [Issue #220]

The database update script has been revised.
The seed data process has been revised.

Kind regards,

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