[BEXIS2-Dev] Call for Abstracts - BEXIS 2 UserDevConf 2017- deadline extended

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Mi Apr 12 12:45:40 CEST 2017

Dear BEXIS Community,

The deadline for abstract submission for the BEXIS 2 User and Developer
Conference in Jena (June 15-16, 2017) has been extended to: April 20, 2017

Please forward this message to anyone interested in using or
contributing to the BEXIS platform. Especially, we encourage researchers
and data managers to participate and provide their feedback and feature
requests to improve the system.

Please check out the conference website for more details:

Hope to see you in Jena,


Roman Gerlach
Kontaktstelle Forschungsdatenmanagement
BExIS++ Projektkoordinator
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Leutragraben 1, Jentower 17N04
07743 Jena

Tel.:  +49-(0)3641-948968
Email: roman.gerlach at uni-jena.de
Web:   http://www.uni-jena.de/forschungsdatenmanagement.html

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