[BEXIS2-Dev] Changes in workspace

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Di Mär 21 12:56:49 CET 2017


while this looks promising, these did not appear in my Bexis2 Website.
Do I need to activate them in any way, or load them into the system?
Or are they not supposed to be visible in the data management section?


P.S.: Please use "milli" as prefix for 1/1000, not "mili".
P.P.S.: Last month I sent a mail ("BEXIS 2 data structures and data upload", 3.2.2107) with some remarks/questions. Any answers?

> Am 16.03.2017 um 16:07 schrieb bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de:
> copy the attached files in workspace\modules\RPM
> <attributes.csv><datatypes.csv><dimensions.csv><units.csv>_______________________________________________
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