[BEXIS2-Dev] Default Data Structure

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Di Jan 31 15:50:27 CET 2017

Hello Roman,

I followed your description and managed successfully to import the metadata schema into my bexis2.10 instance.

Since we use a slightly (?) different metadata schema from bexis1, I created a set of schema definition files analogously to your set. I validated the xsd file and tried to import it into bexis2.10.
But that failed with the message

> 	• Unable to cast object of type
> 	  'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement' to type
> 	  'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup'.
> 	• Can not create metadatastructure.

which leaves me somewhat puzzled.
What are the additional requirements beyond validity for a metadata schema to be imported into bexis2.10?


> Am 20.01.2017 um 16:25 schrieb bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de:
> Hi Thomas,
> regarding the metadata schema, please find attached a ZIP file with the
> latest schema of the Exploratories.
> The main XSD file is: schemaPDwithoutDS.xsd
> The other 2 files are dependencies.
> All 3 files need to be uploaded to the system first (Collect > Push Big
> File). Then in Manage Metadata Structure (in settings/gear symbol) you
> should be able to import the main XSD file (select from previously
> uploaded).
> There is still one small issue with this schema. All fields are
> indicated as required fields. This is just because we use a different
> way of defining required fields in the XSD. Not a big deal, just needs
> someone to go through and change the definition. But haven't got around
> to do that. So please ignore the red asterisks in the form, once the XSD
> has been imported.
> Permissions on system features are managed through the admin menue
> (settings): Feature Permissions
> Then click on the Metadata Management (the term, not the checkbox) and
> you will see all users and their permission on this feature. Note: any
> change there takes effect immediately, without further confirmation.
> Regarding your other error message, Sven will reply to you.
> Best regards,
> Roman
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